Electronic Fire Alarm Signalization is established in buildings to protect life & property against the fire.
What to remember?
Electronic Fire Systems are dedicated fire arrangement (CZ Regulation 246/2001 Sb.).
Electronic Fire Systems are established in buildings in accordance with Fire & Security Project. This project includes all requirements for installation of fire & security arrangement, their coordination and coordination with other dedicated and technical arrangements.
Only authorized type of Electronic Fire System can be used.
Installations, Maintenance Service and Revisions can be carried out by persons with adequate qualification and trained by the Electronic Fire System producer.
Electronic Fire System has to be controlled in specified intervals in accordance with CZ Standards ČSN 342710 and revisions have to be done in accordance with CZ Standards ČSN 331500 and ČSN 332000-6.
What does the system consist of?
Electronics fire alarm system consists of main control unit, cable lines, wireless lines, input and output units. Most used input units are the fire detectors installed in all fire risk places. Actually the most widely used fire detectors are optical smoke detectors. These are working on the principle of light scattering being caused by the smoke. Type of used detectors depends on the size, equipment and activities running in watched areas.
The system can be extended by various types of detectors available on the market depending on it’s functionality, such as temperature detectors, programmable detectors for specific smoke particles, flame detectors and much more.
How does it work?
Signals coming from detectors and other inputs are processed by the fire alarm central control unit. These units are used depending on the size of watched area with the appropriate reserve for possible future extension.
Information are transferred both acoustically and optically on the display, possibly printed on the integrated printer. For comfortable and transparent maintenance Electronic Fire Signalization can be extended by parallel graphic PC update with the visualization of the building/area.
The fire alarm central control unit is being placed in the area with the permanent operating personnel or is being connected by the data remote transfer to the Central Fire Control Desk.
The fire alarm central control unit is interconnected with all other controlled facilities. Generally the main electrical power switch, main gas valve, air control systems, lifts control, unblocking of escape ways /e.g. in cooperation with Access Control System (ACS)/ etc. are much more.
We guarantee our longtime experience in providing Projects & Implementation & Maintenance Service & Revisions in:
1. Large administrative buildings
2. Warehousing & production terminals
3. Hotels & family houses